There have been many causes of vertigo like head or brain injuries, ear crystals, brain tumors, migraine, diabetes and other but the major cause is the accumulation of debris in the inner ear. Vertigo affects the cerebellum of the brain which controls the coordination of movement and balance in living things. Brain is one of the major organs of living things and should be strong to withstand all hurdles and problems.
Tayyebi Herbal Healthcare prepares high quality herbal medicines using latest technology and best quality herbs mixed in right quantities. It chooses raw materials after they have been qualitatively tested and approved. Tayyebi has prepared great brain tonics after being tested and undergoing clinical tails. The results have been positive and quite effective for huge number of people.
Dawa-ul-misk Motadil Jawahardar
It is a Unani medicine for strengthening of brain, circulatory system and nervous system. It improves memory, eyesight, regulates the heartbeat and is effective in curing migraine and sinusitis. It is a good herbal medicine to cure many illnesses.
Itriful Ustokhuddus
This herbal formula is proven for its sedative and nervine effect. It is also known as the broom of the brain. It has antispasmodic, antibacterial and antidepressant properties to clean up the brain and strengthen it.
Jawahar Mohra Qism Ala
This herbal formula removes all sort of weaknesses; mental as well as physical. It strengthens the body and the immune system.
This is prepared with refreshing herbs and fruit syrups to cure acne and pimples, regulate heartbeat, remove dehydration and cure urinary bladder inflammation.
Majoon Munnawin Nuqrai
Has been effective in providing relief against mental stress and exhaustion. Also helps in reducing sleep problems.
For further details contact Tayyebi or visit their website