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Wednesday 25 November 2020

As we are driving into the winterization, the cold and flu season is starting to emerge its horrible face. These afflictions can provoke to grave complications, including bronchitis, viral or septicemia and even death in habitually sick sufferers. If the Newcastle disease virus strain is one that has not distributed for many years, there possibly be a sufficiently large community of vulnerable seniors to preserve the epidemic. The occurrence of human interaction all over the nation and the extremely contagious character of the sickness render this clarification painful to acknowledge. But why these viruses become vigorous and active during colder months?

In order to debate about why we have a flu season; we should consider it necessary to understand what a flu is. The flu, also called influenza, is a respiratory tract infection. A virus is a minuscule transmittable agent that breaks into the cells of your body and makes you nauseous. Flu symptoms also includes sore throat, cold, cough and aches throughout the body 

Tayyabi Dawa Khana has introduced the best cure for cold, cough and sore throat for winter season called Laooq Sapistan This impressive medication pledges to clear out congestion and it contains demulcent agent that casts a tranquilizing film over mucosal surfaces, alleviating negligible pain and soreness of the membrane. Effective and efficacious, Laooq Sapistan has numerous medicinal properties which helps in:

· Dry Cough
· Bronchitis
· Flu and Fever
· Relieves Thirst and Body Heat
· Clears Phlegm

The primary concern of our team is to contribute solace through impactful medicinal products and improve the standard of living of every individual, we have constantly stayed supportive with all our relevant parties. In addition, we have established Tayyabi Dawa Khana to perform with the maximum principles

Our purpose is to put forward personal care for our customers and solutions that matches best. For further information about our medicinal products, pay a visit of our website or contact us on 92-21-36602189.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

When going out in the open, it is imperative to remain at least 6 feet from others, that is to take care of social distancing, and wearing a face mask is as important as carrying your mobile phone while you leave home. Why is this a common call these days? Yes, since the spread of Corona virus social distancing and wearing a mask would slow down the spread of COVID-19.

If it is inevitable to go out of the house and interact with people or touch things around you, then you must remember to wash hands with soap and use hand sanitizer if soap and water are out of reach. When you go out for work or grocery shopping, make sure to maintain social distancing. Washing hands and using hand sanitizers should be considered the most important part of your regimen these days.

People who were affected by Corona virus but survived and fought it were those with a strong immune system. It is very important to focus on a healthy diet and use supplements that would boost your immunity. In this hi-tech world, everyone wants instant results of everything that they use. Therefore, they prefer taking supplements that they think are those tablets which would make them healthier and stronger, but they don’t do what is expected by the consumer. The best and most effective are herbal medicine . They have proven to be more potent and efficacious.

The world vouches for the contribution Tayyebi has made towards healthcare. Among all the other medicines, Shahi is a phenomenal herbalhealth tonic. For centuries people are benefiting by taking Shahi every day. It fortifies and stimulates your body, promotes growth and provides nourishment. It works best for people who are physically and mentally weak, eliminating mental fatigue and physical weakness. That helps you stay alert and active to face daily life challenges.

The right amount of vitamins content is present in Tayyebi Dawakhana’s Shahi boost immune system of your child. Children are too susceptible to diseases, Shahi makes children stronger to fight disease. It also  promote growth and provides nourishment which is the daily requirement of a child. Shahi sharpens memory that is helpful for your child to meet challenges in his academics and also in sports. It also strengthens the bones and teeth.

Shahiis a herbal health tonic of its kind; it is a great source of iron and natural folic acid which produce RBC, therefore, it works wonders for women who are anaemic and have certain feminine complications. Taking Shahi regularly helps women restore their lost blood.

 It is an amalgamation of the adequate and effective ingredients which not only revitalizes and invigorates but also takes care of the essential organs of the body. This herbal health tonic helps the stomach function more efficiently, improving digestion and strengthens the liver. It regulates the blood supply in the body; thus, it also takes care of the heart and brain, which is required most when one has aged.

TayyebiDawakhana is proud of the fact that it has maintained the quality of Shahi like their other products, and they aim to pass on the legacy of integrity and dedication. Take Shahi regularly and stay home – stay safe.

Thursday 2 April 2020

The Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) stated, “Hold on to use this black seed, as it has a remedy for every illness except death.” Avicenna, a well-known physician of 10th century famous for his book “The Canon of Medicine,” has recommended use of Nigella Seeds for enhancement of body’s energy and also as a remedy during recovery from fatigue and low spirits. Nigella sativa is also mentioned for its curative property in the Holy Bible. Thus, since time immemorial, the world has known the benefits of Kalonji-Nigella Sativa (NS).

Kalonji has been thus used through the corridors of history as a valuable medicinal plant and held in reverence in various traditional systems of medicine like Unani, Tibb, Ayurveda and Sidha.

Native to South and West Asia, Nigella Sativa, also known as Black Cumin, Nigella or Kalojeere is an annual flowering plant that belongs to the family Ranunculaceae and is an excellent phytomedicine.

In light of the coronavirus outbreak and the resulting global panic, Kalonji is being looked upon as a plant that possesses diuretic, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, immune-modulatory, antimicrobial, antihelmintic, analgesics and calming, spasmolytic, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory, anti-tussive, gastro-protective, hepato-protective, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol decreasing, renal-protective and anti-oxidant properties.

Out of the many lessons, the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, one is that the variety of symptoms seen in patients infected with COVID-19 has revealed the importance of immunomodulation in the human body. Immune modulation is the regulatory adjustment of the immune system. The component Thymoquinone (TQ) in the seed oil of Nigella Sativa is known for its intense immune-modulatory benefits that prevent bronchodilatory effects on obstructive respiratory diseases.

Research and reports regarding the coronavirus crisis have suggested that one of the three methods that can prevent the infection is immune modulation; vaccine and improvement in human behaviour, personal hygiene being the others.

Even though the hunt for a cure still continues ceaselessly, yet, the benefits of Kalonji remain undisputed and is highly recommended by the health experts at Tayyebi Dawakhana. With our experience of over two centuries and 8 generations of herbal healthcare, the best quality Kalonji in Pakistan available at our Dawa khana to ensure the efficacy and effectiveness of this miracle seed.

Sunday 29 March 2020

As the world is swept in a frenzy of the coronavirus outbreak, the medical fraternity has advised that the wise thing to do is to stay safe at home and consume a diet that boosts your immune system.

The herbal health care experts at Tayyebi Dawakhana use their centuries old experience and knowledge to help tell you about the foods that naturally build your immunity. A balanced, healthy diet is the key to keep fit and feel good and incorporating food like fresh fruit, vegetables, ginger, garlic and nuts will help you do so. They will also ensure that you do not put on unnecessary weight while you observe this period of quarantine during this lockdown.

Apart from this wholesome nutritional regime, Shahi created by Tayyebi Dawakhana is a herbal health tonic that is recommended as a natural immunity booster. This tonic has been created based on an ancient recipe passed down from generations of reputed herbal healers, made with a careful balance of 25 natural, herbal ingredients including Aqeeq, Arqe Gulab, Asaroon, Behman Safed and Surkh, Magh Tarbooza and Kharbooz, Marwarid, Muraqa, Muraba Amla, Rub Anar, Angoor, Seeb and Nashpati to mention a few.

May it be bolstering a weak metabolism, combating physical fatigue or supporting a shaky immune system; may it be unnerving asthma, discomforting bronchitis or a troublesome liver and stomach issue or even frail health during pregnancy, Shahi by Tayyebi is the perfect natural treatment.

In these trying times, make sure that the health of you and your loved ones remains your first priority. Do stay safe by purchasing Shahi in its 150 gm or 300 gm easy-to carry, plastic jar and making a spoonful of this pleasant tonic a part of your daily routine.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

It’s the wedding season and we all end up eating food rich in oil and calories every other night. Not only is that terrible for your weight but is ghastly for your digestive system. This is the very season when most of us complain of gastric trouble due to over eating or acid reflux. Weddings are late night affairs and going to bed immediately after a heavy meal is inviting heartburn.

Acid reflux can be so distressing and uncomfortable. Its feels like lava rising up the throat as your gastric contents of your stomach flow backward and up into your food pipe. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is something so painful that most of us end up putting an end to our misery by swallowing over-the-counter antacid tablets. But these allopathic medicines disrupt the natural stomach acid needed to digest properly, absorb vitamins and minerals, and keep harmful overgrowth of bacteria in check.

It’s smarter to control your eating habits and monitor your lifestyle to nip the cause of your heartburn in the bud. Consuming too many spicy foods, citrus, fiber, smoking, and food sensitivities are major causes contributing to acidity. But if you are still experiencing discomfort due to heartburn perhaps a few natural remedies could help you feel better:


Vitamin- and mineral-rich fennel has aided digestion since time immemorial. It possesses anethole that relaxes the stomach. You can seep some crushed fennel seeds in boiling water to make a tea and sip it after a meal to soothe you.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural anti-inflammatory that soothes an inflamed esophagus and stomach lining. You can mix two to three ounces with eight ounces of coconut water or fruit juice, and have it 15 to 20 minutes before eating.

Apples, Bananas, & Papaya:

If you are suffering from heartburn then you must avoid citrus fruits but apples can help soothe the stomach thanks to its pectin, tartaric and malic acid. The papain in papaya, dissolves carbs, speeds up the metabolism, decreases inflammation, and treats constipation proving to be miraculous for treating acid reflux. Bananas are also your best friend in case of tummy trouble as they coat the lining of the stomach to soothe it and have a natural antacid effect.


Ginger is one of the oldest remedies for digestive issues and is a main ingredient for digestive herbal formulas. Sipping on ginger tea whenever your acid reflux strikes is a quick fix and can even calm an upset stomach.

If you wish to opt for a herbal remedy to treat acid reflux then Habbe Akbari, Kasirin or Sufufe Asadi by Tayyebi must be in your medicine cabinet this wedding season.

Habbe Akbari is a pleasant tasting digestive tablet for instant relief from flatulence and indigestion which can be taken as two tablets after meals. Made with aqarqarah, heng, rock salt and black salt, cumin, peepal and Qust Shireen, it is a perfect herbal way to treat heartburn.

Kasirin is a digestive preparation which should be taken as 1 teaspoon after meals providing instant relief from indigestion and improving stomach, intestine, liver and kidney function. Sufufe Asadi restores correct functioning of the digestive system and improves absorption of nutrients in the body. A delicious digestive powder consisting of salts and herbs which provides instant relief from gastric irritation, hyperacidity, stomach pain, heart burn and constipation. Tayyebi has 200 years of trusted experience alleviating disease and improving health, as a premier herbal company of Pakistan.

Monday 24 February 2020

The Pakistanis are a resilient nation. They may be hasty to lose their temper but are also quick to form bonds. Some cope with the daily battle of shortage of basic amenities and lawlessness with a shrug; others by trying to make a difference. Despite our strong socio-cultural support system, the causes of anxiety are many.

According to a research conducted by the Aga Khan University, anxiety is a mental disorder that can create numerous concerns in many aspects of the sufferer’s life. It can damage a person's marriage, family relationships, friendships, job performance, and health. It is estimated that 10-44% of the people living in developing countries are affected by anxiety and depression disorders.

An anxiety disorder does not simply refer to a state of worry but is a mental illness. The distress it causes can keep you from carrying on with your life normally.

Here are five top reasons why people suffer from anxiety in Pakistan:

1. Low Socioeconomic status:

With the majority of the population in Pakistan living from hand to mouth, not having enough to eat or proper clothing or adequate shelter is a common, yet, alarming cause of anxiety.

2. Environmental Stress:

When one lives in a congested, polluted area where there is no respite provided by greenery in urban centres, people tend to suffer from anxiety attacks. A lack of parks or affordable recreational opportunities add to worries and fosters hopelessness.

3. Fear of Seeking Help:

There is a social stigma about seeking help for mental disorders in our part of the world. Going to a counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist or taking medicines to control anxiety is not only frowned upon but is considered a taboo subject. This leads to a deepening sense of anxiety when the initial symptoms are left untreated.

4. Lack of Education:

The basic reason for this fear to confront mental health issues stems from a lack of awareness due to a lack of quality education. With the literacy rate just a little over 50%, most Pakistanis are unaware that their condition may be that of anxiety and thus do not seek counseling or help or take medicines for anxiety at the right time.

5. Medicines and Medical Condition:

Many a time, anxiety occurs due to ill health which causes a person to succumb to panic attacks and fail to lead a productive life. Dependency on others due to grave illnesses or handicaps gives rise to anxiety. Many a times, nonprescription medicines such as some decongestants, and prescription medicines such as stimulants, steroids, and medicines to treat asthma, Parkinson's disease, and thyroid problems may also stimulate anxiety.

If you want help to combat anxiety disorders and are looking for an affordable, reliable medical treatment without side effects, then turn to alternative herbal medicine by Tayyebi Dawakhana which continues to strive to provide medical relief since the last 200 years. Tayyebi’s Dawa-ul-misk Motadil Jawahardar and Majoon Munnawin Nuqrai are the most natural anxiety and panic medications which will help you look at life in a positive way.

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