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Sunday 17 November 2019

Winter is just around the corner, and apart from the pleasure of cozy jumpers and blankets, the common problem this season is sore throat, running nose, and itchy skin.

During this season, we need to enjoy the benefits of plants when our energy is very small. Reflection, introspection, should be given more space. It should also be a time to slow down, get together and have coffee, open the hundreds of herbal infusions in the cupboards. The wind, temperature change between indoors and outdoors, and widespread viruses also mean that the immune system needs to remain active.

Human beings have been obtaining remedies from plants for millennia. Preparations and indications are passed down from generation to generation for the use of herbal medicine. Substantial resources are currently being dedicated to scientific research on this type of medicine, which is now more than ever appreciated everywhere in the world.

Plants are a reminder of the Earth's generosity in the winter. In the form of remedies for health problems, they offer us their healing powers, but they are also good for our general well-being. It is a good attitude to have to use plants as a first defense in the fight against the season's illnesses.

Laooq sapistan has proved to be the best cure for winter season ailments cold, flu, cough and sore throat, Laooq Sapistan is an herbal Unani formula used in the Unani Medicine System to treat various upper respiratory tract disorders. This formula was chosen to evaluate its probable antibacterial activity by diffusion of discs and dilution of broth against gram positive bacterial strains.

Tayyebi Dawakhana is endowed with the rich heritage of Tibb-e-Unani, It has become an institution dedicated to all aspects of health care and education, as well as a movement to promote science, culture, ethics and, above all, service and philanthropy, so cure your winter illnesses with Laooq sapistan a natural and herbal remedy for your winter illnesses, visit us at https://www.tayyebi.com.pk/laooq/laooq-sapistan and get this and more herbal products for healthy and natural remedies.

Thursday 18 July 2019

  •  English Name: Water; Latin Name: aqua; Urdu Name: Pani.
  • Water increases brain power and gives you energy. Brain is 73% water. So, drinking water keeps one alert, focused and concentrated. Hence, improving energy levels.
  •  Drinking water keeps your weight under control. Flushing out toxins from the body and fats. Also keeping your appetite at pace.
  • Another benefit of drinking water is giving a boost to one’s complexion. It radiates the skin. It keeps skin moisturized, soft and removes wrinkles and flakiness caused due to several factors. Number one being direct contact with sunlight.
  •  Water helps improve immune system, reduces body temperature and helps lessen pain, cramps, headaches and also backaches.

Monday 17 June 2019

Did you know that about 25% of the drugs prescribed worldwide are derived from plants? Since then scientists have been studying plants to create the pharmaceutical products we know today. But after the years of overmedicating people are beginning to pay more attention to natural herbal medicine.

Natural plant products have been used throughout human history for various purposes. Today plants are being used to treat a number of health concerns and conditions including allergies, migraines, arthritis, fatigue, skin infections, burns, weight loss. These herbs are less expensive and are safer means of treatment than conventional medications. That’s why so many people are choosing to go back to the traditional idea of medicine.

Established in the year 1815 with an aim to alleviate disease and improve health, Tayyebi has earned the trust of its customers through generations. As a premier herbal company of Pakistan, Tayyebi is striving to improve the standards of health by providing holistic, preventive and curative healthcare solutions through its quality herbal products and clinical facilities. Click the link to view Tayyebi stores now https://www.tayyebi.com.pk/

Friday 25 January 2019

They are always two sides to every story, likewise, they are always beneficial and pessimistic outcome for every choice you make. In this case, both previous utterances stands true. It’s true that we’ve been using pharmaceutical drugs for most of our lives. If you aren’t yet, it’s time to acquaint yourself with natural medicines. But recently, the natural and organic lifestyle is expanding. That means many people are relying on homemade herbal medicines.

As I said, there are pros and cons for each. First of all one seems safe, but it is not clinically proven. This makes you addled as to which one is the most effective solution for whatever malady you are facing and not all herbal medicines that are sold are safe.

Don’t worry we have come up with a better emulsion. Tayyebi Dawakhana is all powerful in selling herbal products like Shahi Health Toxic, Abrasham, Tasuffi and so more and from the past 211 years and it is a trusted herbal company. It provides you will all natural ingredients such as Menthol, Camphor, Vitamin-B, Potassium, Sandal, Arq-e-gulab etc.

As the winter season has begun Tayyebi Dawakhana has recently introduced this new Chhinkni to give you instant relief from nasal, congestion, cold and headache. So don’t wait for your problems to get double and get cure with natural products from Tayyebi Dawakhana a trusted and guaranteed store.

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