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Monday 29 November 2021

 As winter plays hide and seek with us and the cool mornings and cooler nights reveal signs of the changing season, it is best to be prepared to protect yourself and prevent the onslaught of a severe cold, flu and cough. There are a lot of home remedies you can prepare to help you in case you feel your throat getting sore or are suffering from a runny nose.

The Right Food: Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are essential for keeping your immune system in good shape. Steer clear of cold drinks or sour food in winter which might tickle your throat. Instead it’s better to have a glass of fresh orange juice for a good dose of Vitamin C to help make the flu symptoms go away quickly. Remember that Vitamin C deficiency significantly weakens the immune system and increases the risk of infections.

Regularly eating garlic may help prevent the common cold or the flu. Blueberries are high in natural aspirin, which may lower fevers and help with aches and pains. Mustard or horseradish may help break up mucus in the air passage while onions contain phytochemicals to clear bronchitis and other infections.

Hot Drinks: Hot liquids like tea and soups relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and soothe the inflamed membranes that line your nose and throat which may be causing discomfort in a flu. Try a cup of hot herbal tea with one teaspoon of honey. Black and green tea contain catechin, a phytochemical possessing natural antibiotic effects.

Gargle and Rest: Sometimes it’s as simple as gargling with half a teaspoon of salt dissolved in 8 ounces warm water, four times daily to make your sore throat better. This simple exercise can moisten your aching throat and bring relief. Also exhaustion may be taking its toll so simply resting well might do the trick.

In case your home remedies don’t help, visit any one of the Tayyebi Dawakhanas in Karachi or order online for our trusted Laooq Sapistan. A thick concoction of Aslesoos, Sapistan, Maghz Badam and Unnab available in 100 and 300 gm jars, this age-old herbal remedy for cold, flu, cough and sore throat in Pakistan has helped many in getting through the winter months.

Visit our Hakeems to be advised of the right dose as per your symptoms. Visit our website for a range of trusted Tayyebi products which have treated the ailing through the centuries created by ancient and pure recipes passed on from one generation to another. 

Wednesday 17 November 2021

The year's most beloved season is on its way to filling our lives with chilly and snowy times. However, along with joy, this season comes with it a slew of illnesses that disturb our lives and make it hard to do everyday tasks. On the internet, there are certain cures that may be located. However, many so-called cures will only temporarily alleviate your symptoms, and some may not even work. You'll need something that will get to the base of the problem. You've come to the correct place if you're seeking for a miraculous product.

At Tayyebi, our founding fathers mission was to deliver effective medications to suffering mankind while also improving the quality of life of each individual.

Before we unveil the herbal cough treatment let’s take a look at some conditions that occurs due to cough:

Shortness of Breath:
When your lungs are not healthy enough to cough up the particles, you may have shortness of breath. Coughs can be cleared in a few days if you use proper herbal cough treatment, but some coughs might continue up to a month. This is the time when you require more than just medicines.

Your body begins to feel fatigued and weary when your chest is stuffed with mucous and you are frequently coughing. The microorganisms that cause flu grow active throughout the winter, and when you start eating cold foods, the flu strikes you and gets worse. This common cold flu causes headache, dizziness and fatigue in some cases.

Sleep Disruptions:
Constant coughing, especially at night, makes you tired and prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. When your body is in distress and not at ease, sleep disturbance happens. Coughing causes shortness of breath, which disrupts your calm slumber.

To help you get relieve from all the conditions that are mentioned above Tayyebi has come with a herbal cough syrup that is infused with natural ingredients:

Suazol is an effective herbal cough syrup that saves you from productive and non-productive cough. This fast acting syrup will relieve you from many conditions that disrupts you life and comes in the way of performing daily tasks.

Suazol is best herbal cough treatment to take when you are suffering from the following indications:

·        Asthma

·        Cough

·        Sore Throat

·        Respiratory Infections

·        Allergies

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients that are added to this herbal cough syrup:

Shehtoot [Morus Indica]
This remarkable mulberry has been used by the Chinese for many years to treat asthma, bronchitis, and cough.

Sapistan [cordia dichotoma]
It's an excellent herbal medicine for colds, coughs, and respiratory disorders that's also safe to take.

Tukhme Khatmi
This wonderful plant, sometimes known as marshmallow root, does wonders for dry coughs and inflammation.

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