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Friday, 11 December 2015

Tayyebi’s Sweet Almond Oil

Could there be a herbal product for skincare, hair and health? The answer is yes! Sweet Almond Oil has been the best kept secret to sooth dry skin, grow thick long hair and strong nails, get rid of the dark circles around the eyes and even prevent stretch marks! 100% pure sweet almond oil is loaded with essential vitamins for beauty, such as A, D and E.

Making it ideal not only as a hair and skin care product but also to treat skin disorders. Almond oil does not have a greasy effect and it is not pore clogging and absorbs quickly into your skin. There are a variety of ways to use it to moisturize, soften, smooth and even the skin.

Almond oil had been used extensively for its health benefits and as a beauty aid much before science caught up with the goodness of this seed oil. Tayyebi Dawakhana offers the almond oil which is not only used to apply in the scalp but offers other benefits too if consumed. Tayyebi’s Sweet Almonds Oil is extracted from real almonds.The oil is sweet in taste and has benefits that just might amaze you! This wonder oil works like magic on your skin, hair and face.

If your skin is dry, and gets even drier in winter, a massage with almond oil is all that you need. Almond oil is an excellent moisturizer and lubricant, which prevents the skin from drying and keeps you free from chapped and peeling skin. Benefits of sweet almond oil for skin primarily lie on its soothing and relaxing effect not only to the skin but also to the overall senses. It delays aging, nourishes the skin, moisturizes dry skin, relieves from constipation and fights against eczema.

Almond oil benefits our hair tremendously. For luxurious growth, hair requires nutrients and protection from harsh elements. The best way that one can revive dull and unhealthy hair is by applying almond oil. It controls hair fall, smooths out dry hair, enhances hair growth and thickens hair.

For decades Tayyebi Dawakhana serves its clients the best natural herbal products which visibly shows its effects on an individual without having any kind of its side effects. Tayyebi Dawakhana has been the solution provider for various diseases and illnesses for years. Tayyebi Dawakhana has been making this promise and delivering as per, for now more than 2 centuries.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent and helpful post… I am so glad to left comment on this. This has been a so interesting read, would love to read more here….NOW Sweet Almond Oil


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